(This article was written by Lisa Campos and appeared in the May 2024 issue of Explore Harlingen Magazine.)
This feature is a follow up to the “Rio Hondo Musician Makes Idol Debut” article that appeared in the February 2024 issue of Explore Harlingen Magazine.
Brody Rivers, lead singer of the country group, Brody Rivers Band of Rio Hondo, auditioned for the national television reality singing competition program, American Idol. Although his audition did not air on ABC, he was given a “yes” vote from each of the celebrity judges to earn a golden ticket to Hollywood.

Brody contemplated on his American Idol experience, “American Idol has been one of the greatest door openers for me and to lift off my career. Competing against 60,000 people just to step foot in front of Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie, and Katy Perry. I happened to be in the less than 1% of people that got to audition in front of them.”
During Hollywood week, only 60 of the 143 contestants who received the golden ticket appeared on television and Brody was not one of them. Although Brody again received a “yes” from each judge in the Hollywood round of auditions, he was ultimately not selected for the top 24.

“I'm more than happy with how far I've come. Being able to say I was there with everyone making it through is more than enough for me. I thank God for giving me this opportunity, and when I say doors have opened, I truly mean they have burst,” Brody reflected.
The Brody Rivers Band performs locally at several venues throughout south Texas. You can follow them on social media: Facebook (@thebrodyriversband), Instagram (@thebrodyriversband), TikTok (@brodyrivers), YouTube (@brodyrivers), and his website, www.brodyrivers.com.